Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mi Casa es Calor!

Yes, this is a box of rocks. Why? How can it possibly be blog worthy?

Well, after three visits from the heating guy in three days, THESE are the cause of my not having any heat! It seems little fingers have been shoving these down the exhaust for the furnace. The exhaust clogs up and the furnace won't kick on. Which is a good thing, you know the whole CO2 thing.

I only have one child whose hand is small enough to shove these rocks far enough into tube to cause a problem. I think she might get these in her stocking for Christmas.
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Anonymous said...

Being your neighbor who lives on the side of your house where your dryer vent is... I have a "hunch" that you may want to check that vent as well! LOL


Tracy said...

So this explains why in your email this morning you mentioned that the next time I see you there would be one less kid!!!!!Bet I know which little hand you are talking about!

Dawn said...

OH NOOOOO! How horrible!! Well at least you know what was wrong!

Does this mean your blogger ID will now say Mom to 4 Daughter of the King??? YIKES!

Here's to heat at least!

Anita said...

AAAHHHHH.....what kids think of...oh my goodness. Yep, might be a great idea for a stocking stuffer! ;) Glad to hear you're warm again.

a Tonggu Momma said...

That is so... so... so TONGGINATOR!!!!

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

I know a couple of little boys who would have been right there helping out if we lived next door:) There's not much in our house that hasn't had rocks or sand stuck in it...

as written by Barbara said...

I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation.
"She" must have had been testing a theory to explain to you, but had a serious miscalculation to remedy first.
After all, your gorgeous and brilliant children would never do anything less than genius level... right???

(now aren't you glad I don't live next door... I could fill you kids will all sort of excuses... hehehe)

Barbara :-)

Kate said...

Oh my word!!! CO2!!! Kids!

*Oh, I have to share word verification for this comment is ANGST!! I am not kidding! :)

erin richardson said...

Wow. Wow for those little fingers. I can just picture her at it.

Mommakitten said...

God love her. That is probably one of those times she was being nice and quite for you huh?

Carrie Thompson said...

I love that, these rocks are definitely blog worthy!

Amy B. said...

I was laughing already before I read the comment from your neighbor. Then I was howling!!!!

To warmth!
Amy B & The Chunster

Kay Bratt said...

Oh my....little ones will get into anything. I can't wait to hear "why" she was stuffing rocks. I'll be back to find out!

lamamachina said...

what's a furnace?

Sharon said...

Oh no! I hope you are warm and toasty again! Little hands sure can get into big trouble!

rednk-n-eurp said...

that's a whole lot of rocks. wow.