Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I haven't put up the first Christmas decoration!


Melissa said...

(Shhh...don't tell, but I didn't put up nearly what I used to. I hate taking it down and storing it!) Christmas isn't about all the stuff we decorate with anyways...

Dawn said...

You are ahead of me, I put the tree up the day before Thanksgiving and the only decorations on it STILL are the ones EmmaLi put up around the bottom. SIGH, I really need to at least finish that! It's worse to have a half decorated tree for 2 weeks than not take it out yet so coinsider yourself right on schedule! LOL

a Tonggu Momma said...

I am so glad I'm not alone in this!

Andrea said...

It's all good is my motto. We haven't put anything outside of the house - no lights, no inflatables. I spared down our decorating this year and am so glad I did.

Anita said...

WHAT? Not possible. :) Sounds like us last year actually. Because of moving at Christmas, we had the tree (barely decorated) up and down in a matter of 2 days. So, this year I wanted to enjoy the whole season and put it up the weekend before Thanksgiving as we were out of town then and wanted it up when we got back. We're lovin' it!!

lamamachina said...

A friend took pity (I guess) on me last weekend and hung up outdoor lights for us. Outside, the house looks festive! Inside, the pilgrims and turkeys are still hanging around.

This weekend we'll get up the tree (I hope)

CC said...

Smiles! Just get the kids to go crazy and decorate "their way" :)

Mommakitten said...

We have a tree and lights up outside. My landlord called this morning and said "I have a ton of Christmas decorations I am not using anymore would you like them Kat?" Mind you she is Jewish LOL.