Friday, January 16, 2009

I Was On the News This Week....

Wanna know why? Check this out!!!! I even have a link!!
(Disclaimer...I did not make the bow pictured!!)

Heeeeeeeeeeere's Tonni!


Andrea said...

You looked great!

Dawn said...

I just hope the more people speak out the better chance we have of getting things changed. I can't imagine what will happen come Feb 10th if they don't!

Anita said...

Very cool Tonni...and I do hope they can get make an exemption for the home crafters too!!

Hilty Sprouts said...

Hey "Tonya" you're famous girlfriend! ;0)

I have been following this issue closely and have written to my state representative. I truly hope they make an exemption for home crafters and small businesses!


lamamachina said...
