Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday

I can't even begin to explain the sock situation in our household. 7 pairs of feet. 14 feet. I've struggled with socks since our oldest was born 9 1/2 years ago. It has gotten worse with every child. There are socks everywhere, under beds, in the couch. In toy boxes (?). None of them pairs.
Then, I got an idea. (Shocking!) Whenever anyone takes off socks, they roll them into a sock ball, You know, you put the socks together and fold them in half using one of the socks. The benefits are tremendous. No longer do the kids only find one sock after they take off their socks and then decide to go outside. Because the socks are rolled together! Before, they'd take them off and drop them where ever all over the house. (Honestly, how can one sock be in the upstairs bathroom and the other in the kitchen? How do you do that?)

The socks go into the laundry like this. When I do the laundry, I just separate them and throw them in! Both socks from one pair in the same load of laundry. I didn't know it was possible! So now, when I fold the laundry, socks are matched up!!

I know this may sound silly to others, but I cannot even begin to imagine how much time I have spent hunting socks in my life time!!

I admit, I have just recently implemented this strategy, and it does involve a bit of encouraging (translate: nagging) for the kids to follow through with this, but it has made my mornings much more pleasant!!


a Tonggu Momma said...

My sister needs to use this idea! They have 14 feet in their house at the moment, although soon it will be 12, thank goodness. Her FIL is finally heading home after a four-month-visit.

Andrea said...

I like it! Josh leaves his socks everywhere, yet the boys don't. Hmmm.

Melissa said...

Wayne is the only one in our house who ever has his socks make in into and out of the wash with matching pairs. Me and the kids are like all over, all the time. At least every 2 weeks or so, I take the lost sock basket out and try to find their mates. Apparently, we have a large population of wanna-be singles or divorced socks here. No one stays together!

Eenigenburg said...

We use safety pins to keep matching socks together -- I started this with itty-bitty baby socks and the habit has stuck, which WORKS for ME because I have better things to do than sort and search for socks! Happy New Year!!

lamamachina said...

Ah! it's those little things in life that make everything so much better.

However, I'm not sure what's more exhausting ~ nagging or sock hunting.

Mommakitten said...

I HATE unrolling DH's and DS's socks, eeewww. lol yes, they are my husband and sons, but I can't do it. I really don't like sweaty feet so the less time I spend touching the socks the better!!! I have gotten the bigger of the 4 boys to finally start turning their socks right side out for me though, thank goodness!

Audra Krell said...

I have three boys and a husband and a sock problem that rivals yours. Horrendous. I hope I can do something to make them ball them up, maybe if it involves "shooting" the balled socks into something, I'll have a "shot"! Ha ha

the voice of melody said...

That sounds like a good idea!

Our 7 Blessings from God said...

We have 18 feet and lots (and lots, and lots!) of socks. Many, many that don't have mates. Thankfully, one of the older girls at church wears mis-matched socks all the time. Now my kids think it's a cool new fad... so I just don't worry about it too much. We just make "coordinated" matches:)

CC said...

I only buy one brand and 2 colors so there is almost nothing to match ;)