Monday, November 17, 2008

You Know You Are Parents to Five Children....

when the youngest throws up in a restaurant and you calmly empty the condiment container for her to throw up in. Twice. And you don't even think to tell the waitress until you are leaving. And the rest of the family keeps eating while they watch.

(and yes, you're welcome, to all who are glad I DIDN'T include a photograph or even clip art!)


a Tonggu Momma said...

Thanks for the laugh today... I needed it.

Kristen said...

Oh, yes, you definitely are a part of The Club.

You lucky girl :D

Kate said...

Ha! {shaking my head in COMPLETE agreement!!!}

Melissa said...

Sounds familiar....

Dawn said...

Oh my!! Haven't been there yet, but then again I only have 3 so maybe that's why!

as written by Barbara said...

BTDT... and only a family to 4 children & 3 grandchildren... no one ever blinks... something sick about that in itself!!!
Barbara :-)

lamamachina said...


sorry, but I haven't experienced the condiment barf container yet.


Tracy said...

I am just impressed that she could keep it all in a condiment container!!!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

It was one of those big round ones at LaRosa's

Andrea said...

That is too funny - and we have been there too. Noah did that at Josh's brother's wedding reception. He hit the soup bowl perfectly!

Unknown said...

So how about we go to LaRosa's for lunch next week ladies?? LOL

Hilty Sprouts said...

Dang girl, that's funny!