Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Do you ever need reminded of that? I do. No matter what is going on God is there. You are his favorite! The apple of his eye. He knows YOUR name!

I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
God knows my name.
He knows my name.

Light over darkness
Strength over weakness
Joy over sadness
He knows my name

I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
God knows my name.
He knows my name.

Father to the Fatherless
Friend to the friendless
Hope for the hopeless
He knows my name

I will praise You I will praise You
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am not forgotten Never forsaken

I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
God knows my name.
He knows my name.

(by Israel Houghton and the New Breed)


Hilty Sprouts said...

I so needed to hear that Tonni. I am struggling through the loss of a friendship right now and I feel very forgotten. It was the kind of friendship where I felt like we were sisters and would always be close and I have very gradually come to realize that it is not mutual. It is a great comfort to know that God never forgets or abandons us! I am valuable in His sight and that is really all that should matter to me. Thanks!